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Questionnaire corona and vitiligo

This questionnaire will investigate the chance that people with vitiligo will get corona, how corona develops in vitiligo patients and whether corona influences vitiligo activity. If you have any questions, please contact us via the email address below: Vitiligo-onderzoek@amsterdamumc.nl.

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Dear Sir / Madam,

We would like to invite you to participate in a questionnaire study into the influence of vitiligo on corona, compared to those without vitiligo. It will take you about 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire. The research is being conducted by the Netherlands Institute for Pigment Disorders (SNIP) of the Amsterdam UMC.

We are investigating the chance that people with vitiligo will get corona, and how corona develops in vitiligo patients as compared to healthy controls (participants without vitiligo). This may contribute to new insights into the prevention and treatment of vitiligo.

Your data will be treated confidentially and processed anonymously. This means that the collected data cannot be traced back to you. The results of this research can be presented at medical meetings and in medical publications, also anonymously. We appreciate your participation, thank you in advance.

Yours sincerely,

Ms. Nicoline Post, MD, PhD-candidate

Also on behalf of,

Prof. dr. Rosalie Luiten, professor of experimental dermatology – MD, PhD

Dr. Albert Wolkerstorfer, dermatologist – MD, PhD

Prof. dr. Marcel Bekkenk, dermatologist – MD, PhD
Amsterdam UMC, department of dermatology, the Netherlands Institute for Pigment Disorders (SNIP)